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Home For Awhile

a 90-day transitional housing program

About the Program

Several churches in the Ames area have partnered together to create Home For Awhile — an organization that seeks to reduce homelessness in our community. Families who have been recently evicted or are nearing homelessness are eligible for three months of subsidized housing through Home For Awhile. Various local relief agencies refer families, and qualifying families are selected by the Home for Awhile leadership team.

During the three months the tenants live in an HFA apartment, they meet regularly with an ally who assists them in meeting their goals of finding employment, managing their finances, or working through any other issues that caused the family to end up in their current situation. The goal of Home For Awhile is to provide the opportunity and motivation for a family to re-establish financial stability and find permanent housing.

Home for Awhile currently has three apartments, with one becoming available each month.

Get Involved

There are many ways you can contribute to the Home For Awhile program. Browse the options to get involved.

Tenant Ally

An ally partners with a specific Home for Awhile family to get to know them and support them as the family strives to meet their goals. Allies touch base with their tenants periodically to assist and encourage on a more personal level, addressing needs specific to their situation.

Adopt an Apartment

Another way to be involved is to become a member of a team who “adopts” an apartment, welcoming new families to that apartment by providing welcome baskets, and more.

Donate to Home For Awhile

Another way to be involved is to become a member of a team who “adopts” an apartment, welcoming new families to that apartment by cleaning and making small repairs before their arrival, providing welcome baskets, and more.

Want to know more about Home for Awhile?  Contact Emily at: [email protected]